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Welcome to the Daily Evolver, where we look at current events through the lens of integral, evolutionary theory.
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"What you do is dispel anxiety and confusion and bring more clarity and openness and space for love." - Alison C.
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Nice letters from listeners...
Claire and I listened to Jeff's latest podcast on Sunday and it was a breath of fresh air. Highly recommended if you are upset by the current culture wars. (if you are not, are you still alive?) Yes, Jeff uses some integral jargon from time to time but I think anyone will appreciate his view from 10,000 feet.
- Bill Epperly, Ph.D. Integral Awakenings
I’ve listened and read a lot of critiques of Peterson, very few of which were unpartisan, fair, or understanding — let alone wise or compassionate. The very first is by Jeff Salzman on his podcast The Daily Evolver.
Click to see article.
- Andrew Sweeny