I’m thrilled to have a chance to sit down with one of my heroes, Michael Dowd, author of THANK GOD FOR EVOLUTION: How The Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World. 

One of the things that makes Michael so interesting is that he was for years an ordained Christian minister and former young-earth creationist.  So he understands the worldview of traditionalism from the inside.  Since his conversion to evolutionary thinking, Michael has become a new kind of evangelist, who “proclaims the Gospel billions of years old and embraces evolution as theology, not just theory.” He and his wife, science writer Connie Barlow, travel the country speaking and teaching with various progressive religious denominations and new-thought groups.  Michael’s latest thinking is summed up in his most recent talk: God Rebukes Religious Right: Repent, or Face Hell and High Water.  He’s a character!

Join us in person:

Monday night: January 14, 7 – 9 pm – The Integral Center, 2805 Broadway (NW corner of Broadway and Balsam), Boulder.

Or you can livestream the event to your computer.