Barbara Marx Hubbard was Evolutionary when Evolutionary wasn’t cool! In her 40+ years as a “conscious evolutionary”, she has racked up an impressive list of achievements, including having her name placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket in 1984 as the Peace candidate.

Today she is chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Barbara’s books include Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future, and Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium.

At 83 years old, Barbara is definitely my idea of what an spirited elderhood looks like. She is a force of nature, not only in her accomplishments, but also in her palpable subtle body transmission of emerging goodness, truth and beauty. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with her a few times over the years, and she is 100% pure delight. I am happy to host her at the Integral Center – hope you can join us!


Attend in person:
Monday night: February 11, 7 – 9 pm – The Integral Center, 2805 Broadway (NW corner of Broadway and Balsam), Boulder.

Or livestream the event to your computer.