This week’s Daily Evolver takes a bird’s eye view of 2011 and the wide variety of stories that we’ve covered this year. David and I begin by reviewing the properties of an Integral worldview that are markedly different from the post-modern view that preceded it. The first thing we notice is how we are still learning what the Integral view affords us, especially as we feel into the contractions of the first-tier world, while bring drawn to a second-tier sensitivity that Integral is calling us to.

What do the stories of #OccupyWallStreet, climate change, the Arab Spring uprisings, the 2012 Elections, and the world economic woes feel like if we take into account a variety of perspectives and try to figure out what they mean in regard to the big picture of global evolution? One thing is certain: the headline stories of 2011 have called us into deeper practice as we’ve attempted to move beyond our fears and make choices from a keen appreciation of what is arising moment to moment.

Finally, we see in all the stories of 2011 an evolutionary thread that bears witness to Ken’s most outrageous claim, that we are actually in the middle of the sixth major developmental transition in human history. How else can we explain the radical blooming of novel new approaches to age-old problems that seem to be emerging in even the most challenged areas of the world? In spite of what spins out of our 24/7 media culture, we have come to believe that the world is actually less violent and corrupt than it’s ever been, allowing us to appreciate and feel gratitude for the very real progress that is being made, however chaotic it may be.

Listen to an excerpt below. The full audio is here on